This project is one that I have been anxiously awaiting for what feels like a really long time. My father in law is an amazing craftsman when it comes to wood working and can make some of the most beautiful pieces of furniture. I commissioned this piece a while back and when they came to visit over the Fathers Day weekend, he brought it up. At that point, however it was unfinished and needed to be stained. We put one coat of stain on together that weekend but then I decided that I wanted it to be a bit darker, so I added another coat. I love it! I know it is pretty dark, but that's just me...
When it came to applying the clear coat, now that was not as easy. I tried about 3 different spray on kinds and they all came out horrible!! (that is why there are some streaks on the inside lid). Oh well, now I know what NOT to use! I finally found some brush on polyurethane that worked a lot better and looks a lot smoother.
Thank you Ronnie for my beautiful blanket chest!! I love it so much and already have it filled to the brim with quilts and blankets.