...on my mother-in-law. She made these little outfits for Avery. Aren't they Precious?!
This dress is lined and has matching bloomers. I can't wait for her to wear it!:

This dress is lined and has matching bloomers. I can't wait for her to wear it!:

These two go with dark purple Ruffle Butt bloomers:

Jessica, tell Barbara I think these are beautiful. I used to sew so many of the kid's clothes when they were little (even Steelie's) and I thought they were so cute and the quality was pretty good, but now I just can't seem to sew anything, maybe this will give me inspiration.
Hey Lisa, I sewed for the boys when they were little but had not sewn in years until I made Annie's Halloween costume last year. I was alittle rusty at first but I'm improving as I go along but still not perfect by any means! LOL
I LOVE the outfits! Way to go, Barb. They will look adorable on Avery :)
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