Thursday, June 16, 2011

Louisiana Children's Discovery Center

It is so dang hot outside around here that we are starting to get a little cabin fever being cooped up inside all the time (me especially, so I know Avery was getting a little bored too). We were going to the park a lot but it heats up so early now and we dont have a pool that is close, free, clean (I am very picky when it comes to public pools!) so I have been dying to find something for us to do. I got an ad for the Louisiana Children's Discovery Center here in Hammond a long time ago and it's been on my fridge ever since. Today was a great day for us to go check it out and I am so glad that we did! Since she is not 2 yet, it's only $5 for me to get in (there's memberships but I am going to wait till after Norah is 6 weeks old before I join anything at this point). Anyways, Avery had a blast and we were there for about 2 hours. It is a wonderful retreat and place for her to play during these hot summer days!It is a great place for a wide range of ages. Avery's favorite was the toddler area since she felt a little overwhelmed by all of the big kids in the rest of the place. They also have an arts and crafts room but we didnt attempt that one jut yet ;).

Avery's look of pure excitement when we first got there:

Chalkboard mat. If only Avery could learn to write on the mat instead of everywhere else!:

She loved the big kids and you could tell she really looked up to them:

These foam mats were awesome and she loved climbing and sliding all over them:

Fishing boat:

Dress-up area:

Cow. She was fascinated by this gal. She kept going back to see if it was still there, lol:

Construction Zone:

One of the play tables in the toddler area:

Toddler maze:

Hot Air balloon. It lifted a few feet up in the air and had screens underneath it to make you feel like you were flying. pretty cool!:

If you look behind the balloon, you can see the bubble area. We didnt do this area cuz I really didnt want her to get all sticky. Maybe next time.


This little boy was playing with her and showing her how to push the button to make the train go. Look at how she is looking at him! I think she had a crush lol

Then, she went and hid under my legs... Baby bump got in the way of the camera, lol:

Replica of the local restaurant, Middendorfs:

I have lots of really cute videos but Blogger is not cooperating, so pictures are all you get.. lol :)


Meemy said...

Paw Paw would have fun there!!

Stori said...

I wish that Isla and I were there with you!


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