Friday, December 19, 2008
Merry Christmas
Jeff and I decided last year that we would start a tradition of having our "Christmas" together one night before we left to go visit family. We thought this would be good way to enjoy our own time together and it will be good once kiddos start coming around. So this year I got Jeff a few small little things that he mentioned he wanted for around the house. I was told not to get him anything big or expensive because we dont want to spend a lot this year. So I didn't. I got him a rake, some garden tools, a book that he was really wanting to read, some salt and pepper shakers (because he is obsessed with the consistency of pepper on his food... don't ask!), and I got him one of those old time sleeping hats because he has always said that he wanted one. So then it was my turn to open. Keep in mind that I did not think I was going to be opening anything because I bought what I thought was my Christmas present a long time ago; a porcelain Santa Clause for my decor collection. Anyways, So i found a gift under the tree for me and it was the book "Multiple Blessings" by Jon and Kate Gosslin. I am obsessed with the show "Jon and Kate Plus 8" so I was thrilled to get this book. I can't wait to start reading it!
Anyways, a few minutes later, Jeff said "Santa also fills stockings, too." Of course, I gave him a look like, "What did you do??" Sure enough, he brought me an ITOUCH!!!! I am soooo excited! I spent the rest of the night playing with it and getting it all set up. The only catch is that we are going to be forced to fix our wireless internet now. Darn! haha.
Thank you jeff, for such a wonderful gift! Only, now I feel really bad because I just got him a few little things. I will get him back, don't worry! :)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Price is RIGHT!
So those of you who know me know that some of the shows and movies that are my favorite are a bit on the "quirky" side. The Price is Right just happens to be one of these. I have always wanted to go on the show, but since Drew Carrey has taken over, it has never been the same. We miss you Bob!
That being said, This guy, not only bid on the nose for his initial prize that got him to be a contestant, but also on the freaking SHOWCASE! The one day that I miss watching it, this is what happens! Congrats, guy who everyone in America is jealous of!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008

I have to brag about the fact that is wife's name is "Yessica". It's a bit close to "Jessica", don't you think?? haha I am a nerd, I know!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Baby It's Cold Outside....
Thursday morning had to of been one of the best in a long time! I woke up at 6am with Jeff and was waiting for him to get out of the shower and asked, "Hey! Is it snowing?" The day before the news had said that we should expect some flurries, but when we opened the blinds, we were shocked to see a BLIZZARD! Holy cow! It was beautiful! I have to say, that it is much prettier from my warm bed, but of course, I jumped out and put some clothes on and ran outside. Jeff was like a little boy. He had not seen snow like this except for in the Colorado mountains!
I went over and played with Tish and the kids all morning. We built a snowman, made snow angels, and I even made some Snow Milk (the kids were not too sure about this one, but I assured them that it just tasted like a milkshake). Jeff could not make it out of the neighborhood to get to work, so he came back home and played with us too!
Jeff and I built a big snowman in our front yard and put Jeff's cowboy hat on him and named him Boudroux! haha. We lost power at about 8am so we took some naps, read, and I got to work on my painting! What a wonderful day!
It is so great when God gives you these days to step back, stop what you are doing, and enjoy the simple things in life. It is like he is forcing you to stop in your tracks, look around, and realize who is in control! I miss Thursday already, but like I have always said, snow is fun once a year, but it would not be as special or a surprise if we had it all the time. Thank you Lord for such a wonderful day this week! :)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Dog Lovers Enjoy!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The reason for the season..
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
This is what we are thankful for this year...
Thanksgiving Dinner
Monday, December 1, 2008
Forget Santa! Obama's Coming to Town
Forget about Christmas! Obama is coming to Washington and a $500-700 billion stimulus package is going to be wrapped and ready for passage! With the Bush administration's help, financial institutions are already getting their funds. The auto industry is next in line, and with more money for the taking, cities, states, companies and citizens are lining up to compete for a share of the pie!
Why should you be left out! You too should be able to grab your share from Santa’s bag! Here are ten sure-fire tips on how you can be bailed out of your debt. Hit-or-miss approaches aren't sufficient. This is your sure-fire strategy to join the coming Barack Obama gravy train.
1. If you want God to speak to you through a lottery, you have to buy a ticket. If you want an Obama bailout, you have to get in line! Don't wait until there’s no money left in Washington. As always, the early bird gets the worm…and the federal money! Start complaining now!
2. Now, if you want a handout, you can't be working! Quiting sounds extreme, but, with any luck, this bailout could pay better! The unemployed move to the front of the line, and you certainly don't want to be one of the working fools who will be stuck paying the tab!
3. To build a good case, stop paying your mortgage! You can't claim poverty when you're up-to-date on your house payments. Why should you be paying your full payment when, with a little pending foreclosure embellishment, you can get your mortgage renegotiated and have the government pay the difference.
4. Start weaving "hope," "change" and "middle class" into your vocabulary to help you connect with the Obama people you'll have to win over along the way. Put a smiley face at the bottom of all your forms with the statement—"Obama is the change we can finally believe in; he's our hope for the middle class to share in the American Dream!"
5. It shouldn't matter, but contributing to Obama's campaign can't hurt. Don't worry; no matter who you voted for, you contributed! The financial industry was the number one source of funds for Obama's campaign. Since your tax money has funded their bailout, you and I are part owners of the preferred stock the government got in return. So, let them know, as a contributor, you expect better treatment.6. If your case is a bit flimsy, add a tear or two to your interviews. Democrats value emotion over reason. Don't lose control; you want funds, not pity! Just let them know that the funds you set aside for your children's education is gone. OK, so you only had $10 in savings, but it is gone! It's the old "baby needs shoes" gambit, but now baby needs shoes, healthcare, preschool and a college education fund! If you don't ask, you don't get!
7. Throw in a little environmental sensitivity. Let them know that because of the recession, you can't afford your organically grown vegetables. Tell them your limited budget has forced you to feed your children hamburgers! Let them know that you're losing sleep over the fact that your purchase of such animal products is contributing to America's growing carbon footprint and to the increase in cow flatulents in the atmosphere. Just keep saying, "You don't want to do anything to make global warming worse!"
8. Express your joy that a black American of mixed race has finally been elected President. Let them know that your family's mixed ancestry need no longer be an embarrassment, but a badge of honor. They'll be too uncomfortable to ask you what that means, and it just might earn you affirmative action consideration. With any luck, there might be a mule and 40 acres of land in your future!
9. Mention that in coming across the border as a child, you never realized what a great country America really was. Enough said. You certainly went over some border somewhere, and America always looks better in comparison. Just know that if they suspect that you might be an illegal immigrant, they'll give you anything you want. Don't risk a bad Spanish accent; just say that you're so glad your family made you learn "good English!"
10. Now, if you're feeling guilty about any part of this strategy, don't worry! Ethics are all relative, and you can’t let doubts about your integrity and character get in the way of your needs. Besides, self-reliance is overrated, and the work-ethic requires work! Remember, it takes a village-a village of givers and takers! Be the best taker you can be and be proud of it. After all, the rich probably cheated to get their money, and now it's your turn to get yours!
With these helpful hints, you're sure to move to the front of the line. Getting something for nothing will feel good for awhile. On the surface, people will pretend to care about you. You'll get funds, no respect and a lot of government interference in your life. But don't let petty gossip and loss of liberty get in your way. A final note: The Surgeon General warns that using these tips may be hazardous to your career, mental and spiritual health and a disaster to the country you love.