Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How to Add A Signature To Your Blog Posts

This took me FOREVER to figure out!!! I was about to pull my hair out trying about a thousand different online tutorials to do this. You would think it would be! Well, once I found one that actually worked, it was. I thought I would share how I finally got it to work so hopefully someone out there doesn't have to go through that I did!
Here's the steps:
1. Open a tab and go to your settings page. This is what mine looks like:
2. click on Settings on the left column
3. Click on “Add” just to the right of “Post Template” (see above image)
4. A box will pop up and add this code:
<img class="centered" alt="post signature" src=”Image Url”>
5. Now, go to photobucket and upload the image you would like to use as your signature. I used Photoshop. Save it as a png file.
6. Once the image is uploaded into Photobucket, select the image and find this screen.
7. To the right are some options to different types of links for this image. Copy the “Direct Link” one
8. Now, go back to the code you entered in the box in Blogger and replace “image url” with your image link. Mine looks like this:
<img class="centered" alt="post signature" src="">
9. Click on “Save Settings”
** the signature will not appear until you create a new post
10. Create a new post and title it “test” and type something in the post box just to test it out.
**If the signature appears huge just click on it and options will pop up to choose the size you want. I like “small”
11. If  you have a border around the image of the signature go back to your Blogger Template Designer and choose “advanced”
12. Click on “images” and make sure the background and border colors are transparent. This should fix that problem.
This is the easiest way to add the signature I could find without having to go change the HTML stuff, which I find extremely confusing and dizzying looking at all that computer language. If you erase one little character, your whole layout is messed up! If you are not a computer guru like me, do it this way!!
Good luck! I really hope this helps anyone looking for a way to do this. If you have any questions, just comment and I will do my best to help you out!

**Tip: If you like to blog using Windows Live Writer (which I normally do) the signiture will not show up automatically. The only way I have figured this out is to publish the post when you are done writing.
Go into Blogger and edit that post.
Click on "HTML" on teh top left and add the code above to the bottom of all of the text (the same one you put in the box with your image url).
Click on "compose" and then the image should be there and you can resize it.
post signature

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